Keep Singing
Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly! -Psalm 149:1
In the early 2000s, Mercy Me released an album called ‘Undone.’ It was a tremendous album, but what made it influential in my life was the very last song, “Keep Singing.” This song and album were formidable in my life as I navigated what it looked like to walk as a new creation in Christ. Those days were filled with both light and darkness. That song reminded me to keep singing a new song to the Lord in both the good and bad. As a disciple of Christ, I learned early on that singing to the Lord reminded me of His beauty, His restoration, and His Glory.
God saved us to proclaim His praises (1 Peter 2:9). He seeks true worshipers (John 4:23) who express their worship in song. Did you know there are 400 references to singing in the Scriptures… And about 50 of them are direct commands? Singing is an important means of glorifying and enjoying God. Singing expresses our covenant relationship with God and submission to His will. It demonstrates the unity we enjoy in God with His people. We sing to offer adoration, praise, and gratitude to God for His name, perfections, Word and works. Singing helps us remember and celebrate God's past saving deeds, rejoice in His present goodness, and rehearse our future heavenly worship. Singing is also a command, gift, and spiritual discipline that is formative not only for what we believe but also for how we live.
Singing to the Lord is an important characteristic of our walk as followers of Christ. No matter what season you are walking in, I encourage you to keep singing. Keep singing of His faithfulness, His new mercy, and His Glorious love. So, brothers and sisters, what are you singing today?
I love you and consider it an honor to serve as your pastor.
Bro. Kris