
Follow Me - Discipleship

And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” - Mark 1:27

On Friday night, I had the opportunity to speak at a parenting seminar in Windsor. It was an amazing event to help equip parents to raise their children in the truth of the Word of God in a constantly changing culture. The main purpose of my message was the call to gospel-centered parenting/discipleship. The good news of the gospel is enough of a guide to raise our children as the Lord intended.

During my preparation for that message, I was studying the Gospel according to Mark. As I read the account of Jesus calling His disciples, I was reminded of a powerful truth. During this account, Jesus walks up to Andrew and Simon as they are working as fishermen. He gives them a simple call - a call to follow. “Immediately, they left their nets and followed him.” (Mark 1:18) From that point forward, their lives were changed forever. Their obedience to follow Jesus allowed them to walk with Him during His earthly ministry. They simply obeyed and spent the next three years walking, traveling, sleeping, learning, watching, and listening to the King of Kings teach them how to be a disciple. They had the greatest teacher of all time.

In the calling of the disciples, Jesus provides for us a simple truth. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This short sentence answers so many questions as to how we live out our call as a follower of Christ. Jesus provided the disciples in that moment and for us today a model of discipleship. However, it seems like we have complicated the idea of discipleship. With so many books on the topic and so many opinions on the subject, it can get overwhelming. The truth is, the way that we walk as a disciple is the way that we follow Him. We follow his teaching and we study the way that he lived. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, He guides us in the way in which we should walk. He is our guide. He is our example.

The Apostle Paul understood this method of discipleship as well. He writes to the church at Corinth, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:1) As our lives are led by Christ and we are sanctified by His truth, the Lord will place people in our life with whom we put this truth on display. This is not by accident. It is the kingdom building plan of Jesus. God has entrusted you with these relationships. You are called to be a disciple and make disciples. You do this by chasing after Jesus and spending time in His word. Then, you model for others to do the same. You invite them to follow you, as you follow Christ.

Church, who are the people in your life that the Lord has entrusted to you? Who within the church or your circle of influence should you be walking with in a discipleship relationship? It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require your commitment. Are you willing to be obedient?

I love you guys, it is an honor to serve as your pastor.

